Office Refreshment Solutions – Coffee, Water & Cold Beverages

Office Refreshment Solutions – Coffee, Water & Cold Beverages

Whether you decide to buy, rent, or lease-to-own the equipment, there is an office refreshment solution that will suit your office’s needs.  Every refreshment solution that you employ increases employee or client satisfaction, which ultimately increases...
Health Benefits of a Colorado Springs Office Coffee Service

Health Benefits of a Colorado Springs Office Coffee Service

As a provider of office coffee service since 1995 we feel coffee is probably the best beverage on the planet (after water). Coffee has spent years playing the role of the villain.  “Oh, it’s so awful,” so many used to proclaim. “It raises your...
Coffee and Hydration in Your Colorado Springs Business

Coffee and Hydration in Your Colorado Springs Business

Whether we’re in the office or at home, we all need the proper amount of hydration in our bodies. Despite what non-experts say, we do not need 2 liters (64 ounces) of water every day (the 8 × 8 rule), and we do not need to drink before we are thirsty. Our bodies...
The Mythology of Water | Employee Health and Refreshment Services

The Mythology of Water | Employee Health and Refreshment Services

Proper Hydration = Productivity It’s true. When people properly manage their hydration they can operate at peak efficiency. The trivial cost of providing coffee and water service to your staff is more than paid back in increased productivity. There are two...